Sunday, November 25, 2012

It's ok...

Sometimes I just want to go to the airport, pick a flight at random, and just go without telling anybody. To go on a total adventure. To just get lost and find my way back, to just be somewhere where I can just breathe for few moments of pure serenity and then scream to the top of my lungs to get out all the anger, sadness, and frustration I've ever had. To go somewhere where no one knows me and be able to create a whole new person. To feel happy, sad, angry, frustrated , confused , and all the other emotions out there and not feel like its not okay to feel a certain way. Its really easy to get lost in life and it feels like everyone is moving at the speed of light, just moving on. But sometimes I feel like even though the days are passing I'm just stuck where I am and I can't do anything about it. But I have to because days are still passing... Its frustrating knowing the type of person I want to be and not knowing if I will ever be that person. So what do I do? There's no "How to find yourself book for dummies" or a " road map to the right path". So how do you do it? I guess you just jump right in and start figuring stuff out. That's just it life isn't just something you can exist in you have to live every moment of it and as much as I dislike this word life is just unfair at times. It's unfair I was put in this situation but it could be worse and at times I can't imagine there is anything worse because I only know what it's like to be in my situation but there could be and there is. If I've learned one thing in life it's that at times like this in moments of complete weakness that you find out who's there for you and little pieces of yourself are uncovered as well. If you really knew me you would know that as much as I try I can't hide a bad day and this post is on here because I promised I would be 100% honest with you guys. Today was a bad day but tomorrow will be better because Life is full of Good and bad moments and as much as I love all the good times, I know all of those bad moments are making me the person I truly want to be and if they brake me down in the process, it's ok because life goes on.:)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Something inspiring

In my psychology class we have just entered the topic of memory and to start off we watched Akeelah and the bee. Now every Friday my teacher Mr. Hardt tells a friday story that is pretty inspiring but this week he didn't, he gave us a slip of paper with this amazing quote on it.

" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves; Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in EVERYONE. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

I've seen this quote many times before because it happens to be my brothers favorite quote and until now I didn't realize how much it affected me. It's so true though. Everyone was born to be somebody, so why do we dim our own light? Why is it so hard for people to let go? I know for me it's a state of mind type of thing, I am definitely my biggest critic. But aren't we all? Why is it so hard to sing in public but so easy to dance in the rain?  We all wish for success in some way and if everyone just let go and be the way they are when they are home alone then the world would be filled with characters instead of people pretending to act like what society calls "normal and acceptable". I am guilty of acting the way society thinks is acceptable and I know that. It's hard to be who I really am out in the real world because what if I am not accepted and I know I am not the only one that feels this way, everyone  wants to feel accepted its natural so why do we make it so hard?  The simplest things in life that cost no money are the hardest to achieve. It shouldn't be easier to pretend to be someone else but it is. One day the world is going to change, I just know it, I mean it has to we can't continue to live the way we do. For someone who is constantly viewed as different just because I look different it gets hard. It's like when you walk in to class late and as soon as you open the door everyone looks and stares, that's how my whole life has ever been . People ask all the time, " how do you deal with the stares?" Well as hard as I try to ignore them it doesn't always work so what do I do now? Huh... My point is we make this world what it is, I know we blame the media and celebrities for things that happen but who's choice is it to follow the trend or make a decision? It's yours, stop complaining and just do be who you are and don't dim your light for anyone. Listen to the one of the greatest authors of all time

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Decisions. I've made countless decisions for many years and I'm sure you have to. I mean we make them everyday what to wear, what to eat and everything under the sun. I think it's absolutely crazy how many decisions that we make everyday, I mean I am the type of person who likes to think about my decisions fully and try to think about the outcome and sometimes a little to much. At age 3 I made a decision that I didn't know I made at the time but It had a lot of relevance, you want to know what it was? It was that I would never loose my favorite pink crayon and you know what? I lost it. And you're probably wondering what this has to do with anything but it does because when I went into high school I made the decision that I wasn't going to loose who I was and went in thinking I knew everything about myself, so naive but so true... Sadly I lost myself completely it was like Alice in the wonderland... I fell down the hole and I just kept falling. It was the worst feeling I've could've ever felt. My 16th year was the hardest year for me, it was awful, that was the year where I had my big neck surgery and started infusions. That year I was definitely tested and for a little bit I was broken... Yes broken and I didn't know what to do, I felt so lost and so alone at times. Most nights I would cry myself to sleep knowing that the next day I would have to try 10 times harder than everyone else and know at the end of the day it wasn't good enough... While everyone was telling me I was so strong and doing such a good job, I didn't believe them. I was so stressed out and frustrated at the fact that I couldn't handle it, I couldn't handle all the pressure, all the make up work, the bad grades, the traveling and letting people down. At the time one of my worst fears was letting people down. I was asked constantly " what I needed to make this easier?" And unfortunately it was my first time going through this and I had absolutely no answer... I didn't know what was going to make my life easier and at One point there was nothing that could help me in my mind. My 16th year I had changed and it wasn't something I could've hidden. The feelings were overwhelming and for the that year I was miserable but at the same time I learned some of the biggest lessons that if I didn't go through all those moments those lessons wouldn't have been as important to me. The lessons were

1. Life is... Life is a roller coaster and now matter how high or low you are or how sick and tired you feel it will get better because no matter how far that roller coaster is from the top it has to go up eventually.
2. I am not perfect and I don't have to worry about the expectations of anyone except myself because at the end of the day I am the one who has to look at myself in the mirror and smile about my decisions.
3. I am different and I need different help and its ok to get it.

And you know I have to put some bieber in here somewhere, so here are the words that helped me sleep at night...
Through the storm and, through the clouds
Bumps on the road and upside down now
I know it's hard, to sleep at night
Don't you worry
Cause Everything's gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight
Be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight
Through the sorrow,
And the fights
Don't you worry,
Cause everything's gonna Be Alright,ai-ai-ai-aight
Be Alright,ai-ai-ai-aight..
The point of this post was that the decisions you make can effect your life in enormous ways positively or negatively and whether you know it or not the littlest things can change your  life so do whatever you want just know what ever decisions you make will make an impact your life and it will change. I am making the decision to be happy and ride this scary roller coaster we call LIFE :) So ride it with me and know everything is going to be alright;)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

What a week...

So I haven't written a post in a whole 5 or 6 days and I have already been having withdraws! Good or bad? Haha Anyways today I will give you a small recap on my week! Lets see, hmmm... Ok I'm not sure why but I can't really remember what happened on Monday or Tuesday, I've been extremely tired and I'm not sure why. Actually something really cool happened on Tuesday now that I think about it, I went to volunteer for my FAVORITE teacher of all time, Ms. Redden! Well she's way more than a teacher but ya you know how that goes:) anyways I went to help out in her class and one of her students had made me a cute little cup filled with treats to take on the plane to eat which was very nice of her! And if you're reading Thank you very much the treats were so yummy! Also I got my cute business cards with my blog info on it! They turned out totally amazing! Lets see Wednesday is actually a little foggy as well... Is it awkward I can't remember what I've done? Well Thursday was my weekly trip to Oakland except for a few little differences, like instead of the awesome moms being there the dads and my god mom kellie was there and boy was it different;) So this week we all decided to dress up in our Halloween costumes since we would miss Halloween next week so Kellie and I decided we would be super heroes so she was Bat girl and I was Super Girl! Let me tell you going through the airport was super funny and we got some really cool compliments! But the good day quickly came to an end when I had to get my IV, not that I am scared or anything like that but I ended up having to try 3 times... So the first time the IV went in but there was no blood return then the 2nd time it went in the IV it went in but when she was testing it out there was little blood return and then it puffed up and began to sting so they took it out by the 3rd time I they finally got it in by using an ultra sound machine but my mood wasn't the same... I am pretty sure I cried for about 10 or 15 minutes after everything was done and while I don't like to use the word unfair or things that relate to it, I was feeling really discouraged and I found it hard to wipe it away from my mind. I didn't really want to speak or interact with anyone so I kind of closed my eyes and blocked the entire world out for a few hours. I felt like I just wanted to scream to the top of my lungs but I just bit my tongue instead and when ever someone asked me if I was ok it killed me because I wanted to say yes but I wasn't. I just for whatever reason couldn't let it go this time, I just couldn't. So the rest of day had been ok, our flight was delayed and we got home kind of late which didn't make for a good start to friday. The best thing that happened to me was my mom and brother got me and my friends cupcakes and candy! which was awesome and delicious! Thank you mom and Justin you're the best!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bullying is not OK!

I wanted to write about bullying because as we all know it's just a big problem! And it's not something you can blame on anyone else for how bad it's gotten. For example Amanda Todd, isn't it sad how Facebook or the social media has messed up the story so bad that no one really knows what happened. But we still judge her and I see things on Facebook saying she deserved it or she should have tried harder to kill herself... PEOPLE WAKE UP!!! Someone is dead! People die everyday because of bullying and it's not okay! Whether she made a mistake or it was her choice, she never deserved to die. How could people like Facebook statues about that kind of stuff because its not funny... How could our society see people at their weakest and decide to just rip them apart? Let me ask this have you ever laid in your room and just cried because you felt like you were hated? Or have you ever been bullied let me tell you it's not fun... And while you think it's funny to like these cruel horrible Facebook post and ugly comments I think you should realize that you are just the same as the bully and if not worse because you don't even know what's going on. I've been bullied not as much as expected but I have been bullied and it makes you feel like there is something wrong with you and that out of the billions of people in this world you feel alone... One time I was at an indoor jungle gym playing with one of my good friends and her family for a birthday or something, I was only about maybe 9 or 10 at the time. These group of girls decide that it would be funny to follow me around and laugh and call me names like midget. At first I ignored it because I didn't want something like that to ruin my day but then it just got worse and worse and soon enough I started to feel very uncomfortable unfortunately it didn't end! I was going up stairs to another set of swings or something and I was pushed down the stairs, then laughed at... In that moment I couldn't even think straight, I've never been in situation that bad and I ran off. I sat alone and thought is it my fault? Why did god do this to me? How could he let this happen? I felt so alone and so angry that of all people, kids could be so cruel to each other... My friends mom found me and picked me up from the ground and we found the girls moms, they had the nerve to say they just want to be friends and made each girl apologize as they laugh through it. The mother also told me they didn't know better. I simply said I don't need friends like that and we left... All I could think is when I was younger my mother taught me not to stare, laugh, point, or call names and certainly not to do any harm to anyone. That had to come up in their childhood at one point if not that mother has hurt her child... For something that has made an impression in my life I bet they don't even remember. The point of the story was I was only 9 or 10 and I could have pushed back or called a name ( i had plenty in my mind) but didn't because at one point I knew how it felt to feel so low that I just wanted to cry all day and no I wasn't suicidal but I knew I never wanted to feel that again... So was it my fault that I decided to go to into public that day? While Amanda's question was whether or not she exposed self on purpose or not? Did she deserve it? Did I? No! No one should be broken down sooo much that it comes to something like this. Another argument is why does she get to become more noticed when our soldiers are out there dying for our country everyday? Ask yourself that?
Why is that? Let me tell you because we all let it happen and while I wasn't one of the people liking those awful statues or pictures I still feel guilty because I am apart of this generation where it has become ok to type things up and send it without any care in the world what it may do or lead to. The Internet has become one of many ways to bully someone without getting blamed for it. By liking one picture what harm could it do right? When you see "she should have tried harder to kill herself" statues,  I want you to try something, just scroll down or think of her mother who probably cries at night thinking I've could done more or her father who will never be able to give his daughter away... Or simply think is this helping or hurting? We make things happen in our society, we make trends, we make influences, we make a difference, we make the change! Why not make it a good one?

Highland should say NOH8

Friday, October 19, 2012

My Favorites

I figured I should tell the people who don't know me very well a few of my favorite things and some unknown facts! And for the people who do know me but forgot he's a recap;)

Favorite Things

  • Apple products
  • crest toothpaste
  • sprite
  • Justin Bieber book
Favorite Places
  • Los Angelas 
  • New York
  • My Dreams
  • My room
Favorite foods
  • spaghetti
  • Pizza
  • chicken Wings
  • Anything Italian
Favorite Celebrities
  • Justin Bieber
  • Katy Perry
  • Selena Gomez
  • Beyonce
  • Tyra Banks
  • Cher Llyod
Favorite Hobbies
  • Shopping
  • Blogging
  • Writing
  • Listening to Music
Favorite Colors
  • Pink
  • black and white
  • sparkle
  • purple
Favorite Movies

  • Step Up
  • She's the Man
  • What a girl wants
  • We bought a zoo
  • Cinderella Story
Never Say Never
Favorite songs
  • Who says~ Selena Gomez
  • Die in your arms ~ Justin Bieber
  • Best thing I never had~ Beyonce
  • Fall~ Justin Bieber
  • Every other Justin Bieber song ~ Duh;)
Favorite Candy
  • Skittles
  • starburts
  • ghiradelli chocolate w/ carmel
  • Twix 
  • M&M
Favorite Show

  • Pretty Little Liars
  • Dance Moms
  • Mentalists
  • Criminal Minds


Born October 13th
very organized
I can be shy
detail oriented

These are just a few things about me, I did this because I want people
to really know things about me and who knows I may come across someone who likes these things too and become friends! There's no better time than the present to meet new people!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Random thought...

I started writing this post at 12:22 am because I was laying in my bed just thinking. Thinking about how someone could just throw away there life so easily, I just don't get it. And maybe it's just me but as a person who has spent countless hours wondering what life could have been if only a simple moment where that little microscopic recessive gene would have chosen to pass me up, is tough. I see kids in school everyday who just let life pass them by or kids get stuck with the idea that life is so unfair to them and I just have to say wow... Wow how could someone like me be put in this situation, me who has so much good to give out to the world and someone like that be given the simplest reward and not even realize it... Realize they are just lucky, don't get me wrong I love where I am today but given the opportunity I would switch in a heart beat. Would you switch places with me? Its ok if you said no, i would too. but it makes you think doesn't it? I can't say I don't take things for granted who doesn't, but I also don't take the opportunities that life offers me lightly either.  I wonder sometimes if people look at me and see how lucky they are just be where they are today. I hope they do because that's what I want them to see. I don't want you to feel pity because I don't feel pity for myself, that's one emotion that I can say I don't really have for myself. I know I have been chosen to be something greater then what I could imagine and make the world better some how or at least I hope so! If not this can become a little awkward;).  I know first hand how it feels to live my life and how hard it's been to accept it and I've seen how hard it is on not only my brother or friends with disabilities but our parents as well. I can't explain all the obstacles I've had to overcome because there is a lot and more to come but who's life isn't hard?  What I can explain is if you don't try to make your life the best it could be then who will? Its your life if you don't like it change it! There are people out there who would love to walk to school or be able to borrow their parents car or go to work. There are something's that you just know and must accept in life but there are things that you can change, so if you're reading this and you feel like you haven't tried hard enough to be the person you want to be, do me a favor try to look at the things you can change whether it be getting homework done every night or just telling yourself that " you are trying your best" and if you're not just remember there is always that someone out there wondering what it could have been like to have your life... So what are you going to do with it?

Monday, October 15, 2012


AZ concert 
I know I know the first few post in my blog should be  touching stories about my life but I want to talk about something better like, my recent events! which has everything to do with JUSTIN BIEBER! Yes the Biebs! I was lucky enough to get invited to not 1 but 2 of his concerts!! Slow down not a personal invite from the man himself or anyone close to him for that matter but its ok it will happen one day.... Anyways I had entered in one of those silly radio contest "that no one ever wins"says my brother BUT he was wrong because I won it! After texting every 3 minutes for exactly 2 weeks I got an amazing call from 104.7 kiss FM, my favorite radio station and that's when my luck changed. Now I know that, that news sounds pretty amazing but it only gets better from here, trust me! Now I am a HUGE justin bieber fan so when I got the news I was absolutely shocked and amazed that it was happening to me. I could hardly sleep and could not keep my mind from wondering about all of the possibilities that could happen! We went and picked up the tickets from the station few days later. Once we got the tickets I quickly opened them to see where the tickets were exactly, now while they were on the lower level they weren't as close as I expected and I got a bit sad. I am usually pretty good at not having high expectations about things but what can I say bieber makes me do crazy things. So my excitement subsided just a little until about a week or more before the concert. Cami got these awesome seats through one of her many connections and the pee my pants feeling soon came back! I could hardly wait! Saturday came up and we got to the arena and we were confronted with a problem... Besides the fact that we were all super Hungary and every food line was over 45 minute wait( we didn't have that much time) we weren't able to go to our actual seats because I was in a wheelchair...:( any disabled person may know this feeling, in the pit of your stomach is a feeling of slight guilt and disappointment in the situation that you're in and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. As much as I wanted to be closer I still very much appreciated all the work that was put into getting the tickets and the seats we had. Now for the second concert in Oakland it was still pretty awesome even though I had already saw the show once before in Phoenix, I was so excited to go again! This time we were in a suit so it was further away but the view was still pretty good! Although the second time around I still had a small glimmer of hope that I would meet him, sadly it didn't happen and I couldn't help but be jealous of the girls who were closer and got to meet him. The energy in Oakland was crazy and loud plus JB was feeling better and that really made a difference. When the concert ended and we were leaving it finally hit me that it wasn't going to happen I thought to myself "who was I kidding that wouldn't have happened to me..."(the thought isn't over) and so we went back home with great memories and an experience I was lucky to have with my family, mom, justin, Traci (awesome cousin) and Auntie Rosie and daughter Mikayla(sorry if i spelled your name wrong).

Before Oakland concert
So here's my thought: "who was I kidding that wouldn't have happened to me... That's way to easy! I don't want to meet him at a concert I want him to hear my story and want to meet me not because I am a fan but because I am making an impact in the world! I want my story to help change someone else's life in a way that mine was changed!" So whether you like Justin Bieber or not is really up to you! While I highly recommend him, I know that's not everyone style which is totally fine and I won't push the biebs music on anyone! Don't be surprised if he comes up in my blog more than once though and if you happen to know a person who knows a person who knows how to contact the biebs don't be afraid to pass on the blog address;) There's only one way to get the story out and I could definitely use the help!
AZ concert 

 Justin Bieber's Amazing entrance!!!

I would also like to say a special thanks to Cami and her friend who got the tickets in Phoenix! The concert was amazing and I had sooooo much FUN!!! Also I would like to thank Rosie and Aaron for getting the tickets in Oakland California both concerts were amazing and thanks for letting me experience it!!! I won't ever forget those moments!
Tickets for Oakland

I finally got my T-Shirt in Oakland

Sunday, October 14, 2012

10 promises to this blog

1. Always stay true to me
2. Be as open as possible
3. Tell my story
4. Talk about things that matter
5. Talk about things that are completely ridiculous
6. Let go and just write
7. Be fun
8. Give 110% always 
9. Make as many mistakes as possible and then learn from them
10. Make this blog the best blog it could ever be then make it better!

Friday, October 12, 2012

The A-Team

I am starting out with this post because I spend a lot of time with these people and I love them dearly so lets get on with it...Now I bet you are wondering who the A-Team is and why haven't I ever heard of them? well thats because I just made it up a few weeks ago and it just stuck! For those of you that don't know I fly every THURSDAY to a lovely place in a magical land called Oakland. Ok not really magical or lovely but it is a place in oakland where I get weekly enzyme replacement therapy by IV. This enzyme is suppose to help stop the progression in my syndrome because unfortunately it does get worse as time goes on. Thankfully I don't have to go through this process alone! Thats where the A-Team comes in, We have a pretty close group on Thursdays and between the parents, kids, and nurses it gets a little crazy to say the least but don't worry we aren't the drama filled Kardashians or any of the desperate housewives from somewhere, we are more like Full House or The Brady Bunch in a sense. We have become so close over time and I am so excited to share a little piece of my journey with them to you!

First row:  Erin Janie Kianna Trey
Second row:Justin Cami Evie
Third row:Sadie Darla Lisa
Darla- my mom only the best ever!! even though she is not a fan of traveling every week she does it anyways! My mom is a very Amazing person! she takes care of me and my brother which if you know justin he can be a handful;) She with out a doubt is a hard worker and I don't know what I would do without her!
Strength: pushing 2 wheelchairs at the same time
Weakness: using to much Numbing cream on me:)

Justin- Justin the boy who believes he has so much SWAG that it can't be covered up by anything, he is also my brother and no we are not twins... Justin has a huge personality that is hard to ignore and trust me I try sometimes! But I love him to death! If he isn't smiling he is SLEEPING! he sleeps so much that it makes you say "OMG" I say it a lot (true story). but he's awesome!
Strength: sleeping
Weakness: Waking up

Cami- what to say about CamBam... well besides the fact that she used to be cardinals cheerleader and has amazing style!!! Cami is an amazing person and even better mother to trey and his brothers. Cami is also a flight attendant for southwest airlines (only the best around) and still manages to keep everything in order.
Strengths: can break down a stroller in 5 seconds flat.
Weakness: texting ;)

Trey- Treybo my BFF! trey is funniest person I know! I've known trey since he was 2 1/2 years old but we have become closer through this experience! Trey is like the little brother I didn't know I wanted until I met him. What trey doesn't realize is how much I truly love him. He has a contagious smile and an awesome personality. He says some of the funniest things like, "Kianna do you want to see pictures of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez kissing" or sings pants on the ground!! But he also says some of the sweetest things like " Kianna your dress is beautiful". Trey Loves sports and I believe he gets that trait from his cool dad. He is just an all around AMAZING kid and if you don't know him you will! BTW: trey also likes Justin Bieber!!
Strengths: the ability to make everyone laugh
Weakness: can talk someones ear off;)

Erin- Oh Erin... Erin is the mother of Sadie and Evie! She has 2 of the cutest girls on the planet earth! but lets talk more about erin the most important person of this group or at least she thinks so...Just kidding, Erin is one of the nicest people ever! she would never be confused with a selfish person, If I were to say one thing about erin I would say she is very loving and sincere!
Strengths: Funniest Facebook post EVER!
Weakness: long lunch breaks

Evie- sweet evie, she is just the cutest girl ever but don't let the strawberry shortcake exterior full you with her cute curls and freckles you can't help but say "awe"... But she is a little sassy pants when you get to know her. Evie is a very smart girl who without a doubt will go far. Evie is so calm and can become mesmerized by any type of technology you put in front of her. She's a total daddy's girl and who wouldn't be with an awesome dad like hers. If she had to choose between a boy and iPad sorry boys you wouldn't have a chance.
Strength: iPad
Weakness: Not having her iPad

Sadie- The youngest of the bunch! Sadie is Erin's baby and Evie's sister, so yep thats right, she is a stinkin cutie pie! She is in her terrible two's and from what I see she isn't terrible but what do I know I only see her one day a week, her mom may have a different opinion;) Sadie Loves to eat everything she sees! I am not kidding she really loves food but thats not all she loves, she also loves BOYS and is definitely showing it at an early age! So if you're looking for a girl who eats anything, a cutie, and is easily distracted by a "Papa" which is an iPad or cell phone give her a call on her play phone, I can't promise she will answer though.
Strength: cuteness
Weakness: the crib or food

Janie- Janie Janie Janie one of the best nurses around as she would say... I would say she is the best nurse ever!! She is always trying to make this experience more enjoyable for us and even though I don't need her to hold my hand during the IV process she still offers( she's just awesome like that). Janie is so energetic and she doesn't say it but we know Thursday's are her favorite! Everyone wants to be her friend even though she embarrasses them.
Strength: moves like jagger
Weakness: vacation time

Rosie- Rosie , auntie Rosie is our favorite Southwest Airline employee in Oakland airport! She is a supervisor so be afraid, very afraid! Rosie is so awesome and a very nice person who loves her job! She is always smiling and very energetic. She is one of the coolest people I know and has an awesome daughter, who has a great personality! the apple didn't fall far from the tree!
Strength: Quick changer
Weakness: Standing still

Lisa- Lastly Lisa, she is janie's partner and they couldn't be anymore different:) Lisa is very calm and quiet. She knows how to work hard and get the job done in timely manner. Lisa is also my words with friends opponent and we haven't played in a while but the last time we played I am pretty sure I won:).
Strength: calming down riots;)
Weakness: Noisy people

Autumn- Miss attitude is more like it! In a good way of course, with her cute personality and sassy ways she is an amazing young girl. She is always having fun and knows how to make people smile. I can't forget about her awesome pj's she comes in they are always so cute and comfy!!!
Strength: Making messes
Weakness: chicken noodle soup

Sylina- Autumn's sassy mom is so cool and relaxed! She is so fun to be around and you can really see her love for autumn! She's probably the most hip out all the adults and knows what's going down in the hood haha jk but really she's awesome! She's all about that life LOL
Weakness: getting sick

(Autumn and Sylina)
Angelica- One of the cutest girls around and a new member of the A-Team! She is so sweet and nice! Angie as we call her is very funny and I'm glad she joined the Thursday crew! She always has a smile on her face and loves to hang with the A-team as do we with her.
Strength: cuteness
Weakness: mines craft

Jackie- Jackie is angie's mom is so awesome she is such an amazing mom, she works all night and still bring angie the next day!! She is known for making cute bows for her daughters and their friends and now the A-team. I am so happy both her and Angie are here and they definitely complete our team!
Strength: making cute bows
Weakness: sleeping;)


 Hi, I am Kianna white and I am currently 17 years old and living in Arizona. Unlike  most typical teenage girls I was diagnosed with a RARE genetic disorder called MPSIV for short! Anyways mps affects pretty much everything like height, bones, respiratory system, and different types of deformities in the body. I would like to think that I am the same as everyone else but the big obvious truth is I'm not I am DIFFERENT! Which is funny, because in a world where everyone is trying to be different, I struggle to be the same... I chose to start this blog because I want to share my journey with whoever decides to reads it. Whether its 1 person or 100,000 people I want someone to know my story, because even though I am only 17 I have a story to tell.... I am not doing this for the satisfaction of other people or attention for myself but to inspire, influence, and change the lives of someone somewhere someday. I wanted to start this blog so I could voice my opinion and share my thoughts about my life as well as the things going on around me. I believe life is full of moments no matter how good or bad they may be and that they  will change you're life in the most amazing way, you will meet the most amazing people, and experience the most amazing things in life.  You can read this blog and use it to experience a different life because I have this different perspective on life that I'm not exactly sure how to describe it but being different. My adventure has only just begun and I hope that this blog is not only going to help me express my inner thoughts but also give you a new lease on life through the eyes of me and my little moments. After all  “Life gives us brief moments with another...but sometimes in those brief moments we get memories that last a life time...”