Saturday, October 27, 2012

What a week...

So I haven't written a post in a whole 5 or 6 days and I have already been having withdraws! Good or bad? Haha Anyways today I will give you a small recap on my week! Lets see, hmmm... Ok I'm not sure why but I can't really remember what happened on Monday or Tuesday, I've been extremely tired and I'm not sure why. Actually something really cool happened on Tuesday now that I think about it, I went to volunteer for my FAVORITE teacher of all time, Ms. Redden! Well she's way more than a teacher but ya you know how that goes:) anyways I went to help out in her class and one of her students had made me a cute little cup filled with treats to take on the plane to eat which was very nice of her! And if you're reading Thank you very much the treats were so yummy! Also I got my cute business cards with my blog info on it! They turned out totally amazing! Lets see Wednesday is actually a little foggy as well... Is it awkward I can't remember what I've done? Well Thursday was my weekly trip to Oakland except for a few little differences, like instead of the awesome moms being there the dads and my god mom kellie was there and boy was it different;) So this week we all decided to dress up in our Halloween costumes since we would miss Halloween next week so Kellie and I decided we would be super heroes so she was Bat girl and I was Super Girl! Let me tell you going through the airport was super funny and we got some really cool compliments! But the good day quickly came to an end when I had to get my IV, not that I am scared or anything like that but I ended up having to try 3 times... So the first time the IV went in but there was no blood return then the 2nd time it went in the IV it went in but when she was testing it out there was little blood return and then it puffed up and began to sting so they took it out by the 3rd time I they finally got it in by using an ultra sound machine but my mood wasn't the same... I am pretty sure I cried for about 10 or 15 minutes after everything was done and while I don't like to use the word unfair or things that relate to it, I was feeling really discouraged and I found it hard to wipe it away from my mind. I didn't really want to speak or interact with anyone so I kind of closed my eyes and blocked the entire world out for a few hours. I felt like I just wanted to scream to the top of my lungs but I just bit my tongue instead and when ever someone asked me if I was ok it killed me because I wanted to say yes but I wasn't. I just for whatever reason couldn't let it go this time, I just couldn't. So the rest of day had been ok, our flight was delayed and we got home kind of late which didn't make for a good start to friday. The best thing that happened to me was my mom and brother got me and my friends cupcakes and candy! which was awesome and delicious! Thank you mom and Justin you're the best!

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