Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Random thought...

I started writing this post at 12:22 am because I was laying in my bed just thinking. Thinking about how someone could just throw away there life so easily, I just don't get it. And maybe it's just me but as a person who has spent countless hours wondering what life could have been if only a simple moment where that little microscopic recessive gene would have chosen to pass me up, is tough. I see kids in school everyday who just let life pass them by or kids get stuck with the idea that life is so unfair to them and I just have to say wow... Wow how could someone like me be put in this situation, me who has so much good to give out to the world and someone like that be given the simplest reward and not even realize it... Realize they are just lucky, don't get me wrong I love where I am today but given the opportunity I would switch in a heart beat. Would you switch places with me? Its ok if you said no, i would too. but it makes you think doesn't it? I can't say I don't take things for granted who doesn't, but I also don't take the opportunities that life offers me lightly either.  I wonder sometimes if people look at me and see how lucky they are just be where they are today. I hope they do because that's what I want them to see. I don't want you to feel pity because I don't feel pity for myself, that's one emotion that I can say I don't really have for myself. I know I have been chosen to be something greater then what I could imagine and make the world better some how or at least I hope so! If not this can become a little awkward;).  I know first hand how it feels to live my life and how hard it's been to accept it and I've seen how hard it is on not only my brother or friends with disabilities but our parents as well. I can't explain all the obstacles I've had to overcome because there is a lot and more to come but who's life isn't hard?  What I can explain is if you don't try to make your life the best it could be then who will? Its your life if you don't like it change it! There are people out there who would love to walk to school or be able to borrow their parents car or go to work. There are something's that you just know and must accept in life but there are things that you can change, so if you're reading this and you feel like you haven't tried hard enough to be the person you want to be, do me a favor try to look at the things you can change whether it be getting homework done every night or just telling yourself that " you are trying your best" and if you're not just remember there is always that someone out there wondering what it could have been like to have your life... So what are you going to do with it?


  1. You are an inspiration to me my friend. I am a mother of twin I-Cell Angels, they were 5 and 8 when they passed, but in their short life they touched so many people and made many people smile. They were very handicapped and never experienced what most kids their age would, but they didnt care, they just gave love and we loved them back. It is 5 years today that Kylie passed and I just read your blog. God Bless you! Enjoy life to the fullest always!
    Love Kelly

    1. Thank You so much Kelly! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment on my blog and I happy I can be an inspiration to you! I am sorry for your loss I am sure they were AMAZING kids Who even though they were only here for a short time made the world 100 times better! Thanks again and I hope you come back soon:)

  2. You inspire me Kianna! I love you so much and God couldn't have created a better person than you.<3
