Friday, October 12, 2012


 Hi, I am Kianna white and I am currently 17 years old and living in Arizona. Unlike  most typical teenage girls I was diagnosed with a RARE genetic disorder called MPSIV for short! Anyways mps affects pretty much everything like height, bones, respiratory system, and different types of deformities in the body. I would like to think that I am the same as everyone else but the big obvious truth is I'm not I am DIFFERENT! Which is funny, because in a world where everyone is trying to be different, I struggle to be the same... I chose to start this blog because I want to share my journey with whoever decides to reads it. Whether its 1 person or 100,000 people I want someone to know my story, because even though I am only 17 I have a story to tell.... I am not doing this for the satisfaction of other people or attention for myself but to inspire, influence, and change the lives of someone somewhere someday. I wanted to start this blog so I could voice my opinion and share my thoughts about my life as well as the things going on around me. I believe life is full of moments no matter how good or bad they may be and that they  will change you're life in the most amazing way, you will meet the most amazing people, and experience the most amazing things in life.  You can read this blog and use it to experience a different life because I have this different perspective on life that I'm not exactly sure how to describe it but being different. My adventure has only just begun and I hope that this blog is not only going to help me express my inner thoughts but also give you a new lease on life through the eyes of me and my little moments. After all  “Life gives us brief moments with another...but sometimes in those brief moments we get memories that last a life time...”



  1. Hi.
    Just read a little bit of your blog and its great that you share how your life is. My daughter Josefine is 15 and she also has MPS IV. I will tell her about this bog! Keep on writing. Grettings from Norway, Signe

  2. Thank you very much! I really hope you and your daughter enjoy the blog! I can't believe my blog has reached Norway that is awesome:)
