Monday, March 11, 2013

Do's and Don'ts of traveling

As you all know I fly somewhat frequently, you could say and I am kind of a traveller so I have a bit of experience when it comes to airport and airplanes. I wanted to give you guys some Do's and Don'ts so your travels go a bit smoother!

1. Always fly SouthWest Airlines - I am probably a little bit biased when it comes to airlines because its pretty much the only one I have flown with more than once and its been fun for the most part with a few minor incidents ;) But if you're not flying in a private jet or first class take SouthWest they are the best!!!

2. Dress comfortably with style - Besides the fact that you will be sitting in a seat for at least the minimum 45 minutes on a plane without delays you should really consider this tip because there is nothing worse then wasting a completely adorable outfit sitting on a plane. So might I suggest yoga pants, leggings, or a cute tracksuit or jeggings come on girls comfortable is the new black give it a try!
    • Don't take this to literal and come in your PJ's its only cute if you're under 10! Also be careful what you wear because I always see "What not to wear " moments, where are Stacey and Clinton when you need them!
    • Only wear heels if you can run in them because there is a chance you can be running late!! just something to think about.

3. Keep your bags light-Bags are total pain in the butt if you don't have anyone to carry them for you, so I would limit it to one bag and try to keep it light. Also if you are bringing a carry on make sure it is small enough to fit up above or by your feet and if it doesn't you might have to check it which is a pain in the butt too!

    • For the people who don't know what to consider a carry on, it should be able to fit in a bin and if you have a hard time getting it down the narrow aisles its probably to big!

4. Make friends with the flight attendants (not enemies)-When first getting on the plane make sure to observe the flight attendants but don't be a stalker or a creeper just pay attention 9/10 times they are super nice and friendly but just in case be cautious. Try to be fun on the plane after all you will be thousands of feet in the air with these people might as well make friends along the way. It could be pretty fun if you just let loose! They give you extra goodies if you're cool enough.

5. Blankets are a must- Blankets are a must for me when traveling because I am either cold or need a pillow and my blanket is just something that is light weight, soft, and easy to fold up.

1. Avoid the middle seat at all costs-I am always stuck with the middle seat and it really isn't that fun luckily I usually know the people on both sides of  me so I can lean on them but if you get stuck with the middle seat you will usually have the least amount of room and won't have any arm rest, which stinks let me tell ya. So avoid the middle seat at all cost unless by chance it happens to be someone like Justin Bieber haha ;)

2. Get on the plane without full battery-When all else fails and you are tired and just want to get home, you go to put in your earphones and turn on your phone but its dead the dreaded empty battery picture, worst... thing ...ever...( I'm totally being dramatic). Thats why when your waiting for your flight make sure to find an outlet and plug in. Just in case bring something else to occupy your time or try and fall asleep. The plane is a good place to just take time and think about things that you don't have time for usually.

3. Eat anything that will cause stomach problems-Let's not ignore the obvious we are in tight spaces with no windows to open so therefore try not to eat things that can make your stomach not feel so well. Stay away from the greasy stuff and whatever else may upset your stomach please for the sake of everyone else on the flight. Think before you eat!

    • Don't sit near babies if you can't handle the occasional stinky diapers. Hey give them a break you were a baby once and the moms do the best they can but they can't help it!

4. Bring any expensive liquids with you(unless under 3oz)-Its the worst when you have to throw out a drink you just bought but its even more worse when you have throw out your favorite scent of perfume or lotion! So keep it light and small or else it goes in the garbage no exceptions trust me we've tried!

5. Make enemies of the flight attendants-Making enemies with the flight attendants is one of the most awkward things ever especially if you are sitting up front and must make eye contact occasionally or over hear them telling the other flight attendants what just went down. Hey everyones human and gossip is contagious;) By chance you don't get along with a flight attendant or whatever the case may be just chill and get home thats all that matters unless you're trying to leave Hawaii then just stay a little longer!

    • You can be kicked off for a bad attitude so just be nice!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Kianna! Always looking for you! Jacki SWA F/A
