Saturday, March 2, 2013

A little ink never hurt nobody

So I did something very unexpected and I got a TATTOO! yep you just read that right a TATTOO! Now anyone who knows me knows that I used to be against getting a TATTOO but over the past few years things changed and so did my outlook on TATTOOs, WAIT A MINUTE, hold your horses this doesn't mean I am going to become addicted and get them everywhere but I think that one or two are just fine for me! I was very scared and nervous but I did not want to back out because it was something very important to me and let me tell you it was all in my head the tattoo didn't even hurt that bad!!
Basically I was suppose to get my tattoo on Saturday but I didn't because I didn't have my birth certificate on top of my ID and my mom's ID(who knew!) so my mom got her foot tattoo and I had to wait until the next day which was bad because I was so nervous that I couldn't eat nothing  or focus on my homework either!!! So Sunday came around and I was nervous but so ready to do it. The moment came and I got on the table and the nervous tears began but only lasted until the tattoo artist began and thats when I realize I was totally over thinking this whole thing and the excruciating pain was not excruciating at all! But was heart was pounding out of my chest and luckily I had my mom and my cousin Traci there to hold my hand and experience the whole thing!
I got the tattoo "Believe in Yourself" because I think it's something that everyone should always do and I think that I have forgotten to do it myself recently more than ever. I have been caught up in trying to meet everyone else expectations in  me and trying to be good enough for everyone but me and wanting everyone to believe in me but I realized everyone already did the only person who wasn't was me! I then realized it doesn't matter how many people believe in me if I don't believe in myself then there's no use right? I also realized I don't need to work to be good enough for anyone but me. I guess I was waiting for people to stop telling me every little thing I need to improve on and just say "you are trying your best and your best is good enough right now and you are good enough" but no one did so I thought I needed to do more but I am glad to say I was wrong! I just needed to believe in myself and stop worrying about pleasing everyone else because I can't but I can please myself! Oh and the three doves symbolize inner peace, tranquility, and hope. So I hope you like my tattoo and if you don't that's ok too because I LOVE it!
I can't end my post without saying thank you to Modern Ink and Thomas the tattoo artist who did my beautiful tattoo and my mom and Traci for helping me do this and everyone else who believed in me and helped me believe in myself I couldn't possibly name everyone but I hope you know who you are!!!

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