Happy new year everyone! I hope you had a nice holiday and spent tons of time with your family and loved ones! I know I did. So this year I am trying to find a way to blog more and keep my followers more in the loop:).( btw: as you can tell it's not really working out) I could not be more happy about the new year because even though 2013 was interesting, I am so ready for the year 2014! 2013 definitely made me realize who was really there for me and who would just be fun memories. It helped me realize that I need to put myself out there to make things happen and when you least expect it hard work will pay off. That you can't please everyone and you can't be perfect. That there are times when you're wrong and you just need to admit it and there are times when no one else will but you've got to respect yourself enough to say how you feel. 2013 was ok but I'm going to make 2014 better! It's my year:) I will be working hard to make my dreams come true! In the months to come I am going to be finishing my senior year out, going to college and continuing to work hard. 2013 made realize that no matter how much time we think we have it will never be enough, So we've got to cherish every moment, the meaningless ones, the boring ones, and the smallest ones that don't really matter at the time and the one's you couldn't dream of forgetting. Remember that we as human beings if nothing at all owe it to each other to respect the ones around us and even the ones who aren't. That in a world where people tend to care less about others and more about themselves, we should be the people to care more. 2013 was an eye opener for me, it went by super fast and there were so many good things that happened but its time for a change and its time to really really get motivated and passionate about what I'm going to do because my life is just beginning and this is what I've been waiting for. I met so many incredible people on my journey so far and made so many amazing friends that I can't help but think about blessed I am in life. Things may not always be the way I pictured them, some being better and some being worst, but then again I wouldn't change it for anything.
GOOD BYE 2013 HELLO 2014