The thing is I have so much appreciation for my life, my family, and friends and the things I have, that I don't get why people don't appreciate what they have. I think it's so sad how I can see people and how many advantages they have over me and still aren't happy about their lives like it's not enough. So here's a story...

One day there was a little girl who had her who life ahead of her with no worry in the world. She thought the world was filled with nice people and didn't know about hate or the pain she would endure. One day in a matter of seconds her life would change with news that she really didn't understand but from that moment she knew that the world she thought was so great wasn't really that great. She would learn that kids could be mean and life could be hard. That she couldn't really be a cheerleader or a dancer or a model. She realized she had to do more things she didn't like then she did. She had this silly thought of what life could be and how it'd all turn out but she was wrong. She has been hurt more times then she could count, called names that cut her deep, and sat alone on Friday nights more often then not. Cried herself to sleep because she just wanted to know why this happened to her, had to listen to people tell her it could be worse and she should be grateful she's alive, watch people walk in and out of her life like it's ok, work hard every single day of her life and still not see the reward but she still works hard. She's still hopeful, she still keeps her head up, she still continues to work her butt off, and she still believes one day it will all be worth it. And even though her life is far from perfect, she doesn't always have enough money and isn't always busy the way she wants to be, she still appreciates her mom who works harder than any person she's ever met and even though she couldn't give her everything she's ever wanted she didn't need to, she has brothers who always have her back, an aunt and uncle who always have room in their house and tons of love in their hearts, awesome cousins who she always has fun with even though it's crazy sometimes. She loves and appreciates her life so much. She has a family full of cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends but no dad... After all that she's still content not always happy or sad but content with her life. She appreciates it all, that she is me. Life isn't always perfect, sometimes far from it but appreciate what you have because it goes fast, people get old, and time gets away. Tell your family you love them and appreciate them. Tell your friends you're glad their there and tell yourself that you're doing the best you can. Appreciate the decisions you've made and the mistakes that happened. Take the time to give yourself a break. Appreciate the good moments and the ones that make you stronger. Live in the moment and love everyday because one day you're going to wish you did. Just take time to appreciate the little things... Just know I appreciate you and love you so much! pass on the message and show your appreciation!:)